Importance of Watering a Forklift Battery

When it comes to handling the maintenance of your forklift, you’ll want to be certain that you are taking the proper measures to ensure that your forklift remains in good shape for your use. One of the key components to the forklift is its battery. Maintaining the battery is a responsibility you’ll want to prioritize, more specifically, watering the battery. The following points will help boost the battery’s performance.

Why, When, How
You water a battery because you don’t want your battery to burn out. If batteries aren’t watered down, then this will decrease the lifespan and safety of the battery. You’ll want to water the battery before a work shift. When watering the battery, you’ll want to water each cell within the battery until it is at the maximum height of the lead-acid plates. Try not to over water the battery because it will cause leaks. With that being said, don’t underwater either. If the battery is under watered, it will cause the battery to dry-out, which then requires downtime and extra upkeep.

Clean Distilled Water
We recommend that you use clean distilled water that is between 5-7 on a PH scale. The battery should always be clean and unadulterated. If you use water that is contaminated with other substances, it can cause battery damage, which leads to having to spend a fortune to either repair the battery or purchase an entirely new battery.

Battery Plates
It is suggested that you keep the forklift battery plates below the water-line when you are charging. This is to assure that your battery doesn’t overheat and also doesn’t dry out. If the battery overheats or dries out, this makes it inoperable or unsuitable for your forklift. If the plates go above the water line, then add water to a quarter of an inch aloft the plates, and try not to go over that.

Related Post:   How to Prevent the Most Expensive Forklift Repairs

We hope you have rendered this useful to understand the significance of watering your battery and the consequences that will occur if you don’t do it accurately. If you have any questions or regard, please contact us either through our website or by calling us at 843-875-8000.